Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Ghost Pictures Show
Ghost pictures for your amusement.
Please note, I don't mind skeptics, but I am going to delete any comments that are obscene or overly rude so please don't bother making them. I AM ALSO BLOCKING THESE USERS FROM MY VIDEOS.
There are also a lot of extremely witty people making the claim that these pitures are photoshopped. Given that 80 percent of them were taken and published before the advent of home computers and photoshop, that's not a possibility.
The music is called "Grim Grinning Ghosts" and it's from Disney's Haunted Mansion ride.
Vatican City Ghost
Tourist captures on video, unexplained paranormal activity while vacationing in Vatican City.
22 April 2007 Waverly Hills Shadow
shadow and concurrent orb (see foreground) in tunnel recorded from first floor north end of north hallway.
Pentagon 9-11 Surveillance Camera Video Impact 2
Pentagon 9-11 Surveilence Camera Video of Impact. Does not seem to indicate a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. Doesn't show much of anything. Why won't they show us a 757 hitting the Pentagon? They have plenty of Surveillance Cameras surrounding the Pentagon. Why is this the only one made public? You decide.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: David Duchovny Says The X-Files 2 Shoots in December!
During a recent interview with David Duchovny for the recent DVD release of The TV Set, we asked him to tell us what he could about The X-Files 2.
Looking at at your work on The X-Files, it ran for a very long time, are there still things that you would like to see Mulder do? Is that maybe why you're interested in doing another X-Files movie?
David Duchovny: Well, I had always kind of wanted to segue the television show into a movie franchise. I never really wanted the show to die or to quit it. I got tired of the grind of making a network television show but I never tired of the character or the possibilities of the show. I would love it if we were able to expand it into a movie franchise because I love playing the character and I love the show.
Can you talk at all about The X-Files 2? Maybe where that's at or what people might expect from that?
David Duchovny: It's at... the script is written and as far as I know we're all trying to shoot in December at some point. We would all love it if we could keep it a secret and just give everybody a fresh experience of not knowing what the movie's about. I know if I was a fan of the show I would kind of be excited to be surprised.
X-Files 2 Filming This Year?
David Duchovny gives an update.
September 26, 2007 - Might the impending industry strikes be just the boot in the rear that X-Files 2 needed in order to finally get made? Perhaps. Agent Mulder himself, David Duchovny, has revealed that the long-awaited movie sequel could go before cameras as soon as this year.
Duchovny informed Movieweb.com that "the script is written and as far as I know we're all trying to shoot in December at some point. We would all love it if we could keep it a secret and just give everybody a fresh experience of not knowing what the movie's about. I know if I was a fan of the show I would kind of be excited to be surprised."
There were previous reports about X-Files 2 being slated for a summer 2008 release. If the film actually does shoot this winter then that could very well prove true, although it will be quite an effort to make such a tight schedule.
September 26, 2007 - Might the impending industry strikes be just the boot in the rear that X-Files 2 needed in order to finally get made? Perhaps. Agent Mulder himself, David Duchovny, has revealed that the long-awaited movie sequel could go before cameras as soon as this year.
Duchovny informed Movieweb.com that "the script is written and as far as I know we're all trying to shoot in December at some point. We would all love it if we could keep it a secret and just give everybody a fresh experience of not knowing what the movie's about. I know if I was a fan of the show I would kind of be excited to be surprised."
There were previous reports about X-Files 2 being slated for a summer 2008 release. If the film actually does shoot this winter then that could very well prove true, although it will be quite an effort to make such a tight schedule.
X-Files 2 Movie Returning in 2008
As much as other people, especially fans of the TV show, may have disliked the first X-Files movie that came out in 1998, I actually thought it was a damn good movie. Now a whole 10 years later they may finally make a sequel. In an interview over at IESB.net with David Duchovny, he told them that they are finishing final negotiations and could start filming by early 2008 if not sooner.
IESB discussed the film and what the story may be or how it may play out a bit further with Duchovny:
You can check out the full interview and the rest of the details on their site. I'm interested, others aren't. Why is this such a "shrug" of a story? Did anyone else like the first X-Files movie besides me?
IESB discussed the film and what the story may be or how it may play out a bit further with Duchovny:
Q: Is the storyline you talked about last year still the same? It won't involve aliens or a science fiction element and have more of a horror element?
David Duchovny: Not a horror film when compared to today's standards like Saw and Hostel but more of a supernatural thriller.
Q: Who is all returning for the film?
DD: The story will revolve around Gillian's character, Dana Scully, and my character, Fox Mulder.
Q: Are they going to address the time issue, the space between each film? Are they still in the FBI?
DD: There is no script completed, they are still developing the entire story.
You can check out the full interview and the rest of the details on their site. I'm interested, others aren't. Why is this such a "shrug" of a story? Did anyone else like the first X-Files movie besides me?
Gillian Anderson Talks 'X-Files 2' on Her Website
The excitement for the next cinematic installment of the X-Files continues to build! As I told you before, there has been some developments lately regarding another movie based on the very successful 1990s TV show. When last we had word, former TV show Exec. Producer Frank Spotnitz let slip that he was actively developing a new X-Files movie. This was also corroborated by series and movie star David Duchovny during a recent radio interview. So, at that time, all signs looked good for the new film to move forward.
And now, we've got yet another person weighing in on the subject of the X-Files. Not just any person, by the way, but a person who should be as in-the-know as David Duchovny -- series and movie co-star Gillian Anderson. Over at her personal blog, Anderson details many different X-Files-related items including her feelings about the TV show and her co-star Duchovny, why she sometimes both hated and loved the X-Files and how much she's looking forward to doing the movie and working with Duchovny again. Even though, as she says at the site regarding her co-star: "Do I imagine that when we do the film together we won't hate each other for a few hours during the filming? No. We will. Vehemently."
As someone who's done some TV in his time, I can relate completely to her love/hate relationship with the show and her co-star. It's inevitable, as Anderson recalls, that when you spend so much time with people under such long, arduous conditions, you'll start to dislike them -- often intensely at times. It's just the nature of the business. That said, I'm glad she came out with it and hopefully put things to rest once and for all. Of course, the most important bit of knowledge gained from her post is that there is indeed a new X-Files movie and she will be working on it. As Anderson says in her post: "And that's that."
UFOTV World Premier
Now Featuring Broadband Streaming and Downloads of your favorite Films at www.UFOTV.com
Also available are Downloads of your favorite UFO and Suppressed Science Books and Magazines.
Also available are Downloads of your favorite UFO and Suppressed Science Books and Magazines.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Believe ~ [A UFO film]
This music video is a short film about UFO's and how many types of ships that have been seen. I used only the best, and most clear quality clips in my video of UFO's. All footage is of real UFO's to the best of my knowledge, and is shown as such to the views of this video. Please rate!
Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!!
WARNING: This video might shock you, and may even scare you! However this is not my reason for posting it. This video is about just what the title states. It's about Ghosts, Sprits, and Demons! This video shows clips that are (To the best of my knowing) REAL! You of course may judge for yourself. I posted this video for the people who think outside the box as I do, I'm talking about the open minded folks. This was also posted, to share that these things are real, and live among us. Do not fear them, but know they are real. Knowing, understanding, and searching truth is my cause. Thank you, and peace be with you all. Please rate my video, and comments are most welcome.
NOTE to all: I have not filmed these ghost videos myself, I got these clips together edited as a comp. video of the best Ghost & Demons clips I have found online. I never have had a ghost in my home, and most glad of this fact. I have seen UFO's in my life however! I create videos using the best information and clips I can get, I do not film UFOs nor Ghosts myself. Thanks for your interest in my videos! Peace be with you.
NOTE to all: I have not filmed these ghost videos myself, I got these clips together edited as a comp. video of the best Ghost & Demons clips I have found online. I never have had a ghost in my home, and most glad of this fact. I have seen UFO's in my life however! I create videos using the best information and clips I can get, I do not film UFOs nor Ghosts myself. Thanks for your interest in my videos! Peace be with you.
Are you Ready? 3 (Answers & Facts!)
This is the last episode in my series of 3 videos about Nibiru or Planet X. View and learn, the truth shall be known. No more half truths and lies from the high ups in power! All your answers are in this final video, answers to many questions posted to me by my fellow youtubers. To those who believe & understand stand strong with me for this truth! For those who needed more proof, view and see this truth. As for those who are Blind to this truth because they live a life of lies anyway and never wish to change, see you on the flip side. You will be the ones with you heads in the sand and butts in the air. The ones saying Oh my GOD it is real, is that Nibiru? To you I say Peace be with you, though you may find no peace. To all my fellow human beings, Peace be with us all, live life to the best of your ability, and do not fear for you have nothing to fear but fear itself. That is all, please rate & Comments welcome. :)
Are You Ready? Part 2
About this video: This is part 2 of my film created about 2012 Pole Shift, & Nibiru! It also reflex on the possibility of a third world War. This film is very graphic, and is meant to show what it might be like during Pole Shift or a world War 3.
This is a film about 2012 Pole Shift, Nibiru, The Anunnaki, Giants/Nephilim/ Fallen ones, and UFOs. If you scare very easy do not view. However, I posted this so that anyone who views it shall know what is to come and be ready to live through it! I did not post this to scare people, but to let people know about it. Comments that are mean, hateful, or in bad taste will be deleted, please rate as well. Thank you!
NOTE: I know there are at least two typos in my video, please do not mind this friends. I do not spell the greatest, but I try!
Unknown & Rare Creatures of the World!
This video short is a slide show to music of strange unknown and Rare creatures on this planet! It shows photos of many such strange creatures from all over the world. Please rate my video, feel free to post your comments as well.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Recent Bigfoot Prints Found
T.V. news coverage of recent Bigfoot footprints found in Humboldt County, CA.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Area 51: Aerial Surveillance
A terrifying tale of aerial & ground surveillance of Area 51, inside Nellis AFB in Nevada. This flight was shortly before 9/11, and would no longer be legal. See it while you still can...
First we staked it out in a Jeep until we were chased away. Next we tried another, less popular entrance by ground.
Finally, we took to the skies and flew impossibly close to the base itself, and got a fantastic first-hand view of the runways, hangars, and the tower.
You won't believe what the tower told us over the radio....
UFO Sighting in Yosemite Park near Area 51
I went on a trip to Yosemite Park in 2002. Yosemite Park is very close to the border between California and Nevada, and close to Area 51. In the evening, on my way out of the park, I was driving down a winding road, when I saw a small ball of light high up in the sky, with a large halo of light surrounding it, and a long twirled trail behind it. I video taped it for a few seconds, and then I grapped my camera to take some photos as well, in case the video camera didn't capture it well enough. Unfortunately it was too dark for the photo camera, so the pictures didn't come out. All I have is the video I took before and after I took the photos.
The ball of light with the huge halo moved across the sky, leaving a trail. After about 2 minutes the ball of light disappeared, and only the trail remained. The trail was illuminated and still brightly visible even when the surrounding sky was already pitch black.
A few minutes later several Air Force jets appeared and circled in the sky where the light had disappeared.
America ghost videos - The Ghost Car
8/21/2006 - This is a pretty cool video. Cops are chasing down a car. During the entire clip I was waiting to see the guy turn off his lights and disappear and thats the ghost car. Was surprised to see the ending and still cant figure out how he did it.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Bigfoot Documentary
Bigfoot Documentary Part 1: Ancient Mysteries
A&E Documentary "Ancient Mysteries" on Bigfoot.
Bigfoot Documentary Part 2: Ancient Mysteries
A&E Documentary "Ancient Mysteries" on Bigfoot.
Bigfoot Documentary Part 2: Ancient Mysteries
BIGFOOT Video WTF Insane!!!
Harley Hoffman's controversial video of Bigfoot. Do you think it is real?
This video was filmed by an individual in the Everglades who managed to capture on tape the Skunk Ape, which is also known as the Florida Bigfoot. This BBC special covers the footage of the creature.
Bigfoot, Cryptozoology, Authentic Documentary
Believe it or not about a year ago in October of 2005 my friends Eric Baxter, Aaron Wise and myself Shawn Bannon went backpacking in the Giant Sequoia National Park. We were out on a photo expedition, something we do several times a year, we packed up a variety of film stocks and several cameras. The drive was about 4 hours long, the last hour of it being on curvy mountain roads to a nice elevation of about 7,000 feet. We arrived to the trailhead at about 9 p.m. on a friday night and hiked in about 5 miles to set-up camp, carrying a total of around 125 pounds of gear between the three of us. Not a big task since we are seasoned mountaineers. We hiked for several hours wearing headlamps and backpacks. Really just looking for a nice spot that was as far away from civilization as possible.
What we witnessed the next day has changed our lives forever.
All of the Bigfoot footage you are about to see was shot within the matter of about a minute, by Shawn Bannon, Eric Baxter, and Aaron Wise.
What we witnessed the next day has changed our lives forever.
All of the Bigfoot footage you are about to see was shot within the matter of about a minute, by Shawn Bannon, Eric Baxter, and Aaron Wise.
Patterson Footage-MKDavis 'Walking With Bigfoot' Enhancement
This is the 16fps green version of The Patterson/Gimlin Footage with MK Davis' 'Walking With Bigfoot' B&W Enhancement slowed to 50% speed.
This enhanced film segment begins with the subject dragging its foot across Dahinden's famous wood fragment and then it shows the face... The enhanced more stabilized version moves on to the red-filtered frame 350. From there it does the cha-cha to show the back muscles and independent movement clearly seen between the cheeks of the buttocks; the clip goes on to show the motion of the right thumb touching the fingers (if you're quick) ... all in one convenient file.
The enhancement is the work of ©M.K. Davis. December 2005
This enhanced film segment begins with the subject dragging its foot across Dahinden's famous wood fragment and then it shows the face... The enhanced more stabilized version moves on to the red-filtered frame 350. From there it does the cha-cha to show the back muscles and independent movement clearly seen between the cheeks of the buttocks; the clip goes on to show the motion of the right thumb touching the fingers (if you're quick) ... all in one convenient file.
The enhancement is the work of ©M.K. Davis. December 2005
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Ghost Stories Video
Watch as they Investigate Everyones haunted House and Find Clues about the paranormal Ghosts thats been Haunting them
Ghost Stories Video 1
Watch the First one then this one. The Continue of Ghost Video Stories
Ghost Stories Video 2
Ghost Stories Video 1
Watch the First one then this one. The Continue of Ghost Video Stories
Ghost Stories Video 2
Urban Legends Revealed
Scary documentary about ghosts, aliens, and subliminal messages. Turn off the lights and enjoy!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!!
WARNING: This video might shock you, and may even scare you! However this is not my reason for posting it. This video is about just what the title states. It's about Ghosts, Sprits, and Demons! This video shows clips that are (To the best of my knowing) REAL! You of course may judge for yourself. I posted this video for the people who think outside the box as I do, I'm talking about the open minded folks. This was also posted, to share that these things are real, and live among us. Do not fear them, but know they are real. Knowing, understanding, and searching truth is my cause. Thank you, and peace be with you all. Please rate my video, and comments are most welcome.
NOTE to all: I have not filmed these ghost videos myself, I got these clips together edited as a comp. video of the best Ghost & Demons clips I have found online. I never have had a ghost in my home, and most glad of this fact. I have seen UFO's in my life however! I create videos using the best information and clips I can get, I do not film UFOs nor Ghosts myself. Thanks for your interest in my videos! Peace be with you.
NOTE to all: I have not filmed these ghost videos myself, I got these clips together edited as a comp. video of the best Ghost & Demons clips I have found online. I never have had a ghost in my home, and most glad of this fact. I have seen UFO's in my life however! I create videos using the best information and clips I can get, I do not film UFOs nor Ghosts myself. Thanks for your interest in my videos! Peace be with you.
Real ghost caught on film
real ghost of deceased girl hiding in pantry, you wont beleive the scary image
real ghost caught on film
This video is not for everyone. Since my pantry was always open in the morning, i decided to film it to see why.I couldnt believe what i caught on film, The door opens by itself. Then i posted it on youtube and someone who watched it told me to zoom in one time above the pantrie door design before it opens. Thats when i saw the ghostly figure that made me sell home and move. But since seeing the spirit i have had nothing but problems, my life has turned upside down. if you watch this tape i must warn you first. this is 100% real. DO NOT ZOOM IN.
Real ghost video proof 2
real ghost caught on film
This video is not for everyone. Since my pantry was always open in the morning, i decided to film it to see why.I couldnt believe what i caught on film, The door opens by itself. Then i posted it on youtube and someone who watched it told me to zoom in one time above the pantrie door design before it opens. Thats when i saw the ghostly figure that made me sell home and move. But since seeing the spirit i have had nothing but problems, my life has turned upside down. if you watch this tape i must warn you first. this is 100% real. DO NOT ZOOM IN.
Real ghost video proof 2
Paranormal creatures
paranormal creatures part 1
paranormal creatures part 2 (fugly)
paranormal creatures part 3 (shark)
paranormal creatures part 4 (albino)
paranormal creatures part 2 (fugly)
paranormal creatures part 3 (shark)
paranormal creatures part 4 (albino)
Strange creatures & paranormal pictures
http://www.lapis.org.uk/2007.html for details of a lecture to be giving by top UK cryptozoologist Jon Downes from the Centre for Fortean Zoology.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Bigfoot picture

Patterson-Gimlin Film, Oct. 20, 1967: the granddaddy of all Bigfoot evidence (or grandmammy, as many contend.)

Patterson Bigfoot Closeup

Patterson Bigfoot Back
Closing the deal, Strange Creatures
Matt made it down to Florida okay, although I'm still anxiously waiting to hear back from him about his meeting with Nate Shiffer. I really want to know what else is in those restricted directories on M-A-R-A (unless someone out there has figured out more passwords in the mean time.) I've been looking at that damn Plum Island movie so much the past few days, it's starting to give me nightmares.
Freaky creature
This is rare RARE footage of a freaky creature which has appeared throughou the years. This footage is very freaky. Watch it if you dare...
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Strange hidden deeper information
strange x-files, UFO, Ancient Mysteries, Bigfoot Phenomenon, Cryptozoology - Unknown Creatures, Strange creatures, The Science of Myth, Authentic Documentary, Alien Encounter, Freaky creature, Rare footage...
strange x-files, UFO, Ancient Mysteries, Bigfoot Phenomenon, Cryptozoology - Unknown Creatures, Strange creatures, The Science of Myth, Authentic Documentary, Alien Encounter, Freaky creature, Rare footage...
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