Thursday, May 29, 2008
Japan Mountain Leech vs. Giant Earthworm
While hiking in rugged mountains of the Japan Southern Alps I happened upon a life and death struggle between a very large earthworm and an equally large Japanese Mountain Leech. This was my first leech encounter in Japan and at the time I knew little about this interesting animal. The Japanese Mountain Leech is called yama-biru in Japanese and is known scientifically as Haemadipsa zeylanica japonica. Mountain Leech are quite at home outside of water and are most often found within dark, moist forests. The animal is especially active during the monsoonal rainy season (when I took this video). Blood sucking leech will readily go after farmers and hikers and will eagerly pursue their prey using a strange form of locomotion in which they toss their bodies end over end in rapid pursuit. They can chew right through socks and are quite relentless in their efforts to get a blood meal. Leeches are even known to drop from trees upon unsuspecting passersby! While some Mountain Leech have mouths designed for sucking, others (like the leech in this video) must swallow their prey whole.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!! (REPEAT WARNING)
WARNING: This video might shock you, and may even scare you! However this is not my reason for posting it. This video is about just what the title states. It's about Ghosts, Sprits, and Demons! This video shows clips that are (To the best of my knowing) REAL! You of course may judge for yourself. I posted this video for the people who think outside the box as I do, I'm talking about the open minded folks. This was also posted, to share that these things are real, and live among us. Do not fear them, but know they are real. Knowing, understanding, and searching truth is my cause. Thank you, and peace be with you all. Please rate my video, and comments are most welcome.
NOTE to all: I have not filmed these ghost videos myself, I got these clips together edited as a comp. video of the best Ghost & Demons clips I have found online. I never have had a ghost in my home, and most glad of this fact. I have seen UFO's in my life however! I create videos using the best information and clips I can get, I do not film UFOs nor Ghosts myself. Thanks for your interest in my videos! Peace be with you.
Strange Craft in California
This video is a compilation of images and video pertaining to a strange craft that has been seen and photographed by many different sources in the California area, during May and June of 2007. It is unknown at this time as to what this object is that has been seen in broad daylight in the California skies.
Lack of Evidence Stalls Investigation of Texas Sightings

04:53 AM CDT on Monday, May 19, 2008
By TAWNELL D. HOBBS / The Dallas Morning News
Whether a UFO visited two Central Texas towns will remain a mystery – at least for now.
"All the video that we've analyzed hasn't provided substantial proof," Ken Cherry, Texas state director of the Mutual UFO Network, said Sunday. "Without definite evidence, we're left with the word of our witnesses."
The Erath County towns of Stephenville and Dublin were thrust into the national spotlight in January after dozens of people – including a pilot and business owners – said they saw a large, silent object with bright lights flying low on Jan. 8. Two military jets were in hot pursuit, the witnesses said.
Mr. Cherry and the UFO network's chief investigator, Steve Hudgeons, delivered their findings at an Irving public library. Mr. Cherry said the case is at a standstill unless someone produces better evidence.
Several dozen people who attended the meeting Sunday are convinced that Texas was visited by something not from this world.
"I think that 200 people didn't make something up," said Dallas resident Jackie Schroller, a new member of the network, which has chapters all over the U.S.
The investigation looked at various pieces of evidence, including a cellphone video that was too dark to be conclusive. Mr. Hudgeons said most of what witnesses saw could be explained, such as a light display being caused by an unsteady camera focused on a bright star.
Mr. Cherry said the findings "will not satisfy the believers or the debunkers."
Some at the meeting said they believe the U.S. government wants to keep secret about what was in the sky.
The military initially denied having any planes in the area on Jan. 8. About two weeks later, it said some F-16 fighters had been flying near Stephenville that night.
The flip-flop was blamed on "an internal communications error."
Mr. Cherry said the witnesses are very credible and difficult to ignore. He said three police officers, who do not want to come forward publicly, also reported seeing light patterns in the sky.
"One was close enough to it to use his radar gun to track the thing," he said. "It moved away at 27 miles per hour and then vanished."
source & references:
What Are the Strange “Pearls” in Google Map Images?
- James,

Three of several Google Map images at various latitudes and longitudes
in Los Angeles, California, which include the mysterious and still-unidentified “pearl”
objects. The same “pearl” phenomenon affected several Florida Google Map
images as well. Source: Google Maps.
More read
Chile's Chaiten Volcano
More than 4,000 people forced to evacuate, many to neighboring Argentina.

The 3,550-foot-high Chaiten Volcano in southern Chile, 760 miles south of Santiago,
began erupting May 2, for the first time in 9,370 years. But the 20-mile-high blast of ash and lava on Monday, May 5, 2008, forced more than 4,000 people to evacuate Chaiten and Futaleufu.

Residents in Esquel, Argentina, wore surgical masks
on May 5, 2008, after ash from the Chaiten volcano blew over the Andes
mountains and into parts of Argentina, closing schools and a regional
airport. Copyright 2008 Municipalidad Esquel via Reuters.
Charles Stern, a volcanologist at the University of Colorado-Boulder, who has studied Chaiten, said the nearby town could end up buried like the Roman city of Pompeii after the 79 A. D. eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
Shadow Man on Security Camera

May 14, 2008-- In the past two months, I built one of those radios called "Franks Box" to talk to the dead. I followed the instructions on Youtube. I used it 10 times and got nasty statements thru the radio. Words I cannot post. Then I stopped.
Then, when you think things are over, strange things started in my home. The first thing was loud knocking on the kitchen door-- this continued even with knocking on inside walls. I tried to ignore it. Then I was thinking maybe somebody is pulling a prank, so I put a security camera out there. I was in my kitchen, making tuna fish mix for a meal. My 18/10 stainless steel pots and pans re-arranged themselves on the hooks they are held on, 6 feet from me.
A Raggedy Ann doll and a stuffed rabbit moved across the top of a dresser...there are no children in this house. So I submit one picture of the Shadow Man at my kitchen door. I have other pictures of the pots and pans when changed, and a trail of dust of the dolls that moved.
--Joe Stachyra
Michio Kaku speaks about aliens and physics
Michio Kaku on aliens and physics, Kaku talks about Seti and the possibilities of locating evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in the you think a well respected professor believes in aliens/.Watch it to know
Huge increase in UFO Sightings over Britain - UFo sighting report
Well, sort of...
I'm always ready to believe. But this time the data just didn't pan out. The well written, interesting, article used data released by the British Ministry of Defence.
I decided to download the data to do my own analysis. I'll be reporting more on the data in the next week, but I'll just start with a graph of the UFO sightings in Great Britain year by year.

As you can see, there's actually been a decrease in sitings since 2005 and a significant decrease compared to 1997.
As additional interesting data comes out, I'll post it here.
Here's the original source data if you want to do your own analysis:
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Monday, May 19, 2008
Polly’s Chapel - Paranormal Investigation

There is a small chapel in Bandera County just outside of San Antonio called Polly’s Chapel. Jose Policarpo Rodriguez built the chapel in 1882 on the banks of Privilege Creek. Rodriguez, who was known as “Polly” was born in Mexico and came to Texas as a child. He went on to become famous as a scout for the U.S. Army, a guide, a hunter and finally a minister which is what led him to build the church. Polly is buried in an old graveyard just a short distance from the chapel.
A couple of members of our team had done a preliminary investigation of Polly’s Chapel upon hearing of some possible paranormal activity. We decided that a full investigation would be worthwhile based on some stories about possible hauntings taking place there.
The investigation at Polly’s Chapel took place on a cold damp night. Eddie, Josh, Cari and Jay along with all of our electronic equipment piled into our 4X4 for a 45 minute drive to Bandera outside San Antonio.
We arrived at the Chapel around 10:45pm, exited the truck and immediately felt the chill of the country air. It was noticeably colder away from the city and the damp cold air, pierced right though our jackets.
Ignoring the cold, the team quickly gathered all their equipment and entered the chapel to set up our investigation.
Our preliminary investigation at Polly’s Chapel revealed a great deal of activity taking place. In fact, the amount of paranormal activity we encountered made it almost impossible to film. We were really hoping that we had the same amount of activity while we had all our equipment with us.
A quick check of the chapel did not reveal anything out of the ordinary. Video cameras and digital recorders were set in place to capture any paranormal activity which may occur while team members worked on EVP sessions.
The lights were then turned off and the IR lights were activated on the video recorders. Josh, who is the ADPR Video Tech, proceeded to film the EVP session which was being held by Cari, Eddie, and Jay.
While filming the EVP session, a strange red glow was seen on the far side of the chapel window. It appeared to be pretty faint and slowly moved across the window, then on to the wall. At first, seeing this made investigators think it was just the IR from the video camera Josh was using, but after seeing it several different times, we noticed that Josh did not have the camera facing the window and the IR was not reflecting from the IR source on the video camera.
Josh was asked to repeat his actions several different times and the team was unable to get any results. Josh even faced the camera towards the window in order to see if the glow was the same. It was obvious at that point that the red glow was not that of the IR light. We were unable to debunk the small red glow, so we continued with the EVP session and did not see the red glow again.
Next, the team packed up the equipment and proceeded to the Cemetery where Polly himself is buried. Being outside really made for a cold investigation. It was pretty quiet, except for some dogs barking in the distance. The area felt really calm and Jay even stated that he was more comfortable in the Cemetery than in the Chapel.
We worked on EVPs at the location and filmed the area with IR Video Cameras. After staying in the cold until we could no longer feel our fingers or hands, we decided to call it a night and head back home.
Over the following week, team members analyzed all the recordings, but did not find anything unusual. Not a single EVP was found. We were all disappointed with the results of the EVPs that were taken. Next we turned to Josh, who had analyzed the video. Nothing…..the video did not reveal anything out of the ordinary. Cari, who was checking her recordings and her photos, also did not come up with anything. It was finally down to Jay. I received an email from him and BINGO….we had something on film.
Jay sent me a photo he took which contained what appears to be a shadowy figure. The photo clearly shows a dark shadow next to the podium that we could not explain. Although we can not say for sure where we were all standing at the time the photo was taken, none of us were in the photo itself and could not have been casting a shadow in that area.
Although we concluded that there was no hard evidence of a haunting occurring here, our first video may still indicate otherwise. Please take a lo0k and let us know what you think.
Is Polly’s Chapel worth another visit?Site:
UFO Sighting in Phoenix Arizona
Are you still asking yourself if UFO videos are real or reliable?A new UFO sighting over Phoenix Arizona videoed by an ireporter,CNN (Brad Drenning).The video shows a clear UFO over Phoenix Arizona shot on April 22nd,2008.The military said that there was no military activies over the skies that night.This is one of the most reliable UFO videos ever.Are we really alone?
The BigFoot Field Research Organization

So to get away from Ghost & Investigation Groups I decided to go review a site on one of my favorite subjects - BigFoot! Unlike UFO, Poltergeist, Mothman and other paranormal areas this creature seems to draw feelings of affection and an almost romantic aura for those who dip into the subject.
The BigFoot Field Research Organization site has been going for quite some time and unlike alot of others it is still updated regularly.
The site pretty much has it all - research, news articles, facts and it was great to see a map which represents documented sightings over the last number of years.
Its also an admirable resource for gathering together all the well known and lesser know images and video footage - it really is the only Bigfoot site you need to visit!

Of course there has to be bad points and unfortunately this site does fall down in a few places. There are links within the site that led to nothing. The "Reports Database" link is dead, as is the link back to the homepage here "BFRO Home".
I know content is vital on a site like this but so is ease of navigation, which this site lacks. A over style or design element would really improve the site too.

Along with the design and navigation it would be great to see a forum added, especially at a time when they are so popular and serve as a place were enthusiasts can get together and talk no matter what their geographical location.
I would loved to have given this site a score of 10 but hopefully I'll be stopping back in the future and can give them those extra 3 points.
Dorm Room Ghost Video
Also, I’d like to mention that Demontales has been reviewed by Paranormalizer - a website which reviews other ghost and paranormal websites. If you’re interested in reading the review, please visit Paranormalizer. Thanks for the awesome review, guys!
Crying Ghost Child EVP
Here’s a very creepy EVP recorded in Delaware City, Delaware at The Plachette Playhouse - a haunted 18th century playhouse. You can hear a ghost child crying out “Home, home, I wanna go home”. If you listen closely, you can also hear a dog barking in the background. This is strange because the people who recorded this EVP claim there were no dogs in the area and, futhermore, none of the other recordings picked up any dogs barking. Chilling stuff. Enjoy.
Gnome Terrorizes Town in Argentina
Residents of a town in Argentina are living in fear after several sightings of a “creepy gnome’” that the locals claim stalks the streets at night. A group of teenagers hanging out on the streets after dark managed to capture this very strange footage. The gnome appears at the end, slowly making it’s way down the street. One of the teenagers was so frightened, he went into mild shock and had to be taken to a local hospital.
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens

The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.
The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.
In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures.
The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother." Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom.
French Get a Look at Nation's UFO Files

This image of an alleged extraterrestrial event, or of a natural phenomenon linked to lightning, was among 1,600 files posted on the French space agency's Web site. (National Center For Space Studies)
PARIS, March 22 -- On an August day in 1967, two children tending a herd of cows outside a village in central France reported seeing "four small black beings" fly from the ground and slip headfirst into a sphere that shot skyward in a flash of light and trail of sulfuric odors.
The alleged extraterrestrial sighting, described by the French government as "one of the most astonishing observed in France," is among 1,600 UFO case files spanning the last half-century that the country's space agency opened to the public for the first time Thursday.
Read More »
Argentina: Region Still Astonished by Police UFO Case

The eyewitness accounts of four law enforcement officers who claim having seen alien beings in the wilderness near Irene have given rise to comments among locals. Were there other witnesses to the mysterious episode?
Residents of Oriente and the region are exchanging bewildered views on the police testimony concerning the encounter with humanoid beings on Wednesday in the vicinity of Irene. br /> Local residents are making their own remarks and speculating, but the alleged episode, by virtue of having been witnesses by four police officers, sets aside any possibility of hallucination or incorrect perception. The color and shade of the light, indicated as white with greenish flashes, and the strong odor reminiscent of sulfur or gunpower, followed by a report comparable to a thunderclap, all agree with the description of the phenomenon.
Read More »
The Ann Arbor “Swamp Gas” Sightings of 1966
At about the same time, a group of Hillsdale College students also saw a strange object outside their dorm windows.
Dexter, Michigan is about 10 miles northwest of Ann Arbor, and was (and is) a lake area.
Hillsdale, Michigan is about 70 miles southwest of Dexter.
J. Allen Hynek, at a press conference about the sightings, suggested the sightings were of swamp gas, and the rest is history, as many of you know.
Here’s a scan of the Hillsdale paper about the Mannor sighting. The paper misspelled Mr. Mannor’s name: Manor [sic].

Time magazine, as was its won’t of the time, scoffed at the sightings:

And here are drawings by the mother of 12 year-old Susan Merrill of Hillsdale who also reported seeing some flying objects that same week:

There was a plethora of sightings in Michigan that week of March 20th; in Detroit, Nankin and Taylor Townships, and several other places.
One RRRGroup member covered the Dexter sightings for The Detroit News.
The objects seen and reported by both Mannors and the Hillsdale students were not swamp gas, as J. Allen Hynek came to acknowledge eventually.
But what were they?
Our sister blog – Forensic Ufology – will evaluate these sightings.
More newspaper clippings from the 1966 episodes can be seen, in their totality, at our UFO web-site –
UFOs: Ours
Segment Two of the 1987 Unsolved Mysteries show about UFOs and U.S. military aircraft:
UFOs — the Navy and SETI

Ufologists have always concentrated on getting information about UFOs from the Air Force when they should have been checking for that information from within the United States Navy structure, especially the various Naval Research Centers.
While SETI is checking for intelligent signals from alien worlds elsewhere in the galaxy and universe, the United States Navy has been conducting communication experiments in space and under seas, and has directed communication probes at UFOs, in the air and under water.
(Because some bloggers and ufologists have been taking material from this blog and putting it on their sites, without attribution and as if it were their own, we’ve put the documentation at our password protected UFO web-site, accessible to bona fide reasearhers who can get the password by dropping us a line at our e-mail address:
SETI’s mistake continues to be the idea that alien cultures will have developed and still use an archaic form of communication (radio signals) whereas the Navy has opted to pursue the hypothesis that alien civilizations and their space craft might be using advanced forms of communication: optical primarily, but also arcane methodologies, such as pulse modulations or quantum wells that are encoded.
(For access to papers, including the patent by the Navy of a device to ferret out signals from anomalous artifacts traversing the oceans, ask for access to our UFO web-site.)
The Navy has always been connected to UFO investigation, and the UFO community’s dereliction in pursuing Navy records and activity goes to show why we (and others) continue to condemn ufologists for their slovenly and inept efforts.
That aside, to assuage the thin-skinned crowd who dislike any observation that belittles ufology or the paranormal, real investigators of unidentified aerial (and underwater) phenomena would do well to direct their “research” (as lame as it often is) in the direction of the United States Navy, going back as far as 1946, when it and the Army Air Force were pursuing strange objects in the skies, and doing so seriously.
They might finally hit paydirt…
UFO seen on mars?

In an incident that NASA officials have named, “The Independence Day Scenario”, a similar circular shadow crossed over Sojourner. The movie can be found in the link provided below. You need QuickTime for this. If you don’t, then here are successive timed photographic images of the shadow crossing Sojourner.
Can this be explained as a natural or meteorological Martian phenomenon? NASA officials were scrambling to discover who else might be on the Martian surface. Could it have been a secret involvement by the then Soviet Union, or was it an extra-terrestrial craft?
But probably it could be a hoax! You decide.
In an incident that NASA officials have named, “The Independence Day Scenario”, a similar circular shadow crossed over Sojourner. The movie can be found in the link provided below. You need QuickTime for this. If you don’t, then here are successive timed photographic images of the shadow crossing Sojourner.
Can this be explained as a natural or meteorological Martian phenomenon? NASA officials were scrambling to discover who else might be on the Martian surface. Could it have been a secret involvement by the then Soviet Union, or was it an extra-terrestrial craft?
Spanish Ghost Girl - Fantasma en Cucuta Colombia
Spanish Ghost Girl - Fantasma en Cucuta Colombia
Original spanish text on YouTube: Video de una niña de aproximadamente 12 años, fue captado en el parque del barrio villa Camila, fue grabado entre las 12 de la noche y la 1 de la mañana con cámaras y celulares, fue transmitido por noticias RCN el 25 de Junio de 2007 a las 7:02 de la noche.
Bush's Possible, but true Alien War.
Bush's Possible, but true Alien War.
From MSNBC, the Former Minister of Defense for Canada and Deputy Prime Minister, Paul Hellyer. Talks from Toronto, Canada about the Bush administration putting a forward military base on the moon. This is not to be taken faint-heartedly! You thought 9/11 was bad, it is going to get much worse.
NASA/JPL evidence of life on Mars and the moon
NASA/JPL evidence of life on Mars and the moon
What can be found out just by using their own web sights is
UFO Video Footage from Stephenville Texas UFO
UFO Video Footage from Stephenville Texas UFO
The UFO video taken by David Caron in Stephenville Texas leaked on the internet finally! Full UFO video and audio. Very, very interesting footage of the strange UFO blinking symbols in the sky! One of the best UFO videos ever filmed.
05:36 - 06:08 - jet aircraft or car
06:08 - "tryin' to zoom in on it..." - videographer
06:35 - very big truck or large (cargo) aircraft
06:40 - "[you know I once] had a tripod for this" - videographer
07:08 - Video cut / return (video timestamp 9:04)
07:09 - muffled voices
07:21 - "ok...i got the camera pretty steady right now" - videographer
07:33 - intermittently loud static?
07:42 - "ain't movin' the camera it's it's" - videographer
07:51 - "I'm havin' a hard time keeping in in the frame" - videographer
07:58 - muffled
07:59 - "yeah" - videographer
08:03 - muffled voice
08:07 - "somthin' just looked funny about it and I come outside with the camcorder..." - videographer
08:12 - car/truck pass by
08:56 - car/truck pass by
09:06 - END (video timestamp 9:05 PM, JAN.19.200?

It seems our bobbies are not alone
By Steve Lumley
IT’S a credible version of The X Files hit TV series…police officers’ sightings of 256 suspected UFOs in Britain skies.
DC Gary Heseltine, who collated the unofficial database PRUFOS (Police Reporting UFOs), has been inundated with sightings the length and breadth of the country.
Many officers have produced drawings of unexplained craft seen as they pounded the beat, and one sent footage captured on a patrol car video camera of what he believes was a UFO above Skipton, North Yorkshire.
Traffic officer Mr Heseltine, 48, says: “There are thousands of credible witnesses out there, and here we have serving and retired police officers going about their business and witnessing strange craft and lights.
“They are trained to report things in a structured, chronological way, and in my experience that is exactly what they do, so I think they make for really good witnesses.
“Police officers work around the clock and so have an increased chance of seeing UFOs. This is one of the reasons why I created the database to record and collate their stories. I simply wanted to try to bring a level of credibility to the subject.”
Mr Heseltine, who works for the British Transport Police in Leeds, has added 44 cases involving 108 officers to his database in the past 12 months.
His fascination with all things extraterrestrial stems from his first UFO sighting at the age of 15, followed by two while off duty, the second of which was over his home near Wakefield, West Yorkshire, in 2007.
His directory, which is also based upon newspaper archive research, contains 256 reports involving 608 British police officers, dating between 1901 and 2007. Of the 44 latest cases, four are a Close Encounter of the First Kind (where an object comes within a few hundred metres of the witness), five are Daylight Discs and 35 are Nocturnal Light.
Six of those sightings were witnessed by five or more officers and 14 involve multiple UFOs. Seventy-three per cent of all on duty cases are multiple-officer sightings with as many as 20 witnesses at one time.
Mr Heseltine, a police officer for 18 years, added: “I agree that only a very small percentage of sightings have any real substance to them.
“However, I am absolutely certain that around three per cent of the remaining cases represent an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. There is an overwhelming amount of factual data to support that view.”
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Confessions of an Area 51 Employee Part 3 (Underground Base)
DISCLAIMER: I am not, nor ever have been, an employee of the federal government. All claims made about myself and my experiences in this video, are entirely fictitious.
Good evening, friends. It's evening for me; I'm not sure what time of the day it is for you when you watch this video.
I received a private message, this time asking why, if the guards would be authorized to shoot the President, why I am unsure whether or not I would be killed if the powers that be within the base discovered what I'm doing. That is because what I am doing here is actually considered a medium-level security threat. And the protocol for a medium security threat is far less severe than a high security threat, which would be full exposure of the projects that are afoot in Area 51--and that would likely be the case if the President of the United States discovered what was actually going on there. Me, although they certainly wouldn't approve of what I am doing, I would just be considered, more or less, a nuisance, because most people out there, I'm sure, just think I'm a nut-job, or trying to get attention, or playing a practical joke, which is NOT the case. But, that's the way they [Area 51 elite] see it--and they're right. But I'm trying to get to as many people as possible, and this--I may be tilting at windmills here, but if I reach just one person, if just one person believes me, I feel I've done my job. And the main reason I am doing this, though, is to clear my conscience. I can't continue to work there, knowing what goes on, without in some way blowing the whistle on the insidious activities that the Area 51 elite are responsible for. And I feel that YouTube is the preeminent public forum to garner maximum expsoure.
Now, I want to tell you a story about one of my first experiences at Nellis Air Force Base. I had been a base guard there for a couple of months, and had yet to see anything particular interesting or out of the ordinary. I worked during the day, and most of the secret aircraft were flown at night. One day this kind of buddy of mine--who is no longer an employee of Area 51, and of course his name must remain undisclosed--well, he had a higher security level than I, and he asked if I wanted to see something interesting. Me, being the wide-eyed, naive young man that I was, jumped at the chance to break the tedium. So, he takes me to this building that was known as "Building Z"--and I had never set foot near it. And, if you look at the video screen now, I can point it out for you. Building Z is the object that you see circled on the extreme left side of the picture. So, he takes me in there, and it's a really mundane, unprovocative building. It's like a small hangar--not many objects at all, it's really hollowed out. And he leads me to an equally mundane elevator. And he slides his security card through, and leads me in there, and I can feel the elevator moving down. And then, a few seconds later, the doors open to reveal what must be, at least--it's a wide open, high corridor that's at least a mile long. It's really cavernous and brightly lit, and it's really nothing like what you in films like Independence Day. It's awesome, in the true sense of the word. And down the corridor, I could see large hangar-like doors and other passages that must make up a complex, web-like infrastructure beneath the base. The first thing that really captured my attention, though, was this map adjacent to elevator, that detailed the layout of this sub-level. I pinpointed my location on the map, and discovered that the long, mile-long corridor I was standing in barely represented one grid on the map. And, by my estimation, the map was comprised of no less than 50 x/y-axis grids. So that should put into perspective how massive this underground level is. And above the map, it said, "Sub Level 1 of 4." So there were at least three other levels to this underground complex. And only God knows--and those who work in those three sub-levels--just how large it's... I tell you. But that's why Area 51 continues to exponentially expand its territory in Groom Lake, even though the activitiy on the ground seems to decrease every year. But, anyway, I'm standing there with my jaw hanging down to my feet, and my buddy asks me if I want to see something amazing. I'm like, "I've already seen something amazing!" It's at least a segment's worth, so I'm kind of running out of time, so I think I should save that for my next installment.
Until then, Godspeed.
As Close to Area 51 as You Will Ever Get
This is as close to Area 51 (Groom Lake, Dreamland, etc.) as you will ever get without clearance.
Area 51: Aerial Surveillance
A terrifying tale of aerial & ground surveillance of Area 51, inside Nellis AFB in Nevada. This flight was shortly before 9/11, and would no longer be legal. See it while you still can...
First we staked it out in a Jeep until we were chased away. Next we tried another, less popular entrance by ground.
Finally, we took to the skies and flew impossibly close to the base itself, and got a fantastic first-hand view of the runways, hangars, and the tower.
You won't believe what the tower told us over the radio....
alien or ghostlike monster in the scrub lands. could be an El Chupacabra
One thing is for certain its REAL. Could be a zombie or a demon creature but it seems to be humanoid and it moves supernaturally fast.
We fist sighted this last year then we came back with a camera and captured this encounter.
help tell me what this is? so far is unknown what this is. could be a ghost or ghoul? or an alien. we are going back soon for more vids and footage.
and just to clarify i said: IS it following us?.......and no thankfully it didnt we piss bolted and so did it.
First Contact? For Real?
The discovery of the amazing "Wow Signal" picked up from the direction of the Sagitarius constellation, 200 light years away. What was it?
Taken from the fantastic "FirstScience Presents...Alien Contact," which can be downloaded in full at up to DVD quality from
WOW Signal
The Wow! signal was a strong, narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977 while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of Ohio State University. The signal bore expected hallmarks of potential non-terrestrial and non-solar system origin. It lasted for 72 seconds, the full duration Big Ear observed it, but has not been detected again. It has been the focus of attention in the mainstream media when talking about SETI results.
Amazed at how closely the signal matched the expected signature of an interstellar signal in the antenna used, Ehman circled the signal on the computer printout and wrote the comment "Wow!" on its side. This comment became the name of the signal.
Wow! Signal on Seti@home classic
Taken from:
The "Wow!" signal as it would appear on SETI@home. Note that in reality the "Wow!" signal could never be captured on SETI@home, becuse it originated in a part of the sky that is not covered by the Arecibo radio telescope. Furthermore, the signal bears the mark of the radio telescope that detected it, Big Ear. Whereas Arecibo's beam takes 12 seconds to cross any given point in the sky, Big Ear, with a wider beam, takes 37 seconds. As a result, the "Wow!" signal's gaussian is three times as wide as a genuine SETI@home signal would be.
Seti and the wow signal
Seti catches the wow signal , the first signal of extra-terrestrials trying to communicate ..
Alien Speech Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal
Speech patterns have been found in a radio signal released by NASA almost 3 years previously in 2004.
Judge for yourself what the voices are saying, it is a very bizarre anomaly but very much worth investigating.
1) Download and save the original WAV file from NASA/Cassini website:
2)Open an audio editor like Cool Edit or Sonar and raise the pitch/frequency of the file by 12 tones with the pitch shifter..
and there it is, speech patterns.
How can anyone explain this anomaly. Certainly NASA have no explanation for it after we presented the file to them for their opinion. SETI also dont know what make of it. What do you think?
Aliens Photos (50s-00s): What are Fake & What are Genuine?
its some thing weird, makes you think if were not alone.real alien baby
UFO Haiti - Real ALIEN CORPSE recovered from UFO crash
This alien corpse was recovered from a downed UFO on August 2nd, 2007 and was leaked from a hi up top secret gov't source official...
Perseid meteor shower Surveillance video of Jerusalem shooting (Aug 10) In regards to my "nude" video.. itschriscrocker i have decided to stay on youtube daxflame flava flav snoop dog dogg edition tna today 8/13
Alien Photos II
Here another my video "Crop Circles and Occultic, Masonic & Illuminati Symbols" (this video was nominated for broadcast on Flix55!!!):
Here another my video that was deleted YouTube (by user's flags) "Masonic Lodges & Satanism":
Article from James Casbolt website: "After the completion of my last article 'MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade' I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug trafficking money is being used for.
I need to do this for many reasons. The truth must come out and I need to protect my family and myself. If any of us were to come to a premature end it would only add more credibility to what I am saying. Therefore by presenting the following I am protecting us.
Government harassment and surveillance of me has increased since going public with the last article. I believe this has now become a 'national security' issue. I have had my life threatened, men situated in the hotel opposite my flat taking photographs of me using a high tech, long range camera which uses a blue laser, my phone line and my girlfriends mother's phone line tapped, my information hacked into and taken off multiple websites and e-mails from government officials blocked.
I believe this is because I am leaking information on projects classified 'above top secret' which I will go into in detail in this article. The intelligence run drug trafficking is only classified 'secret'.
My name is James Casbolt and I worked in MI6 covert cocaine trafficking operations with the IRA in London between 1995 and 1999. My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6 and worked with the CIA and mafia in Rome in 1993 on covert cocaine and heroin trafficking operations.
The global drugs trade run by many factions of the global intelligence community co-operating together (MI6, CIA, MOSSAD etc) is worth at least £500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade. MI6 control many of the other intelligence agencies in the world. MI6 created the CIA in 1947 and still control them today. This 'black ops' drug money or in classic Orwellian terms, MI6/CIA 'non-appropriated funds' is being used to fund government and military projects classified 'Above top secret'.
These operations include a huge worldwide UFO cover up and the building and maintaining of deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.S).
There are many of these bases worldwide but here is small list.
1- Dulce in New Mexico 2-Brecon Beacons in Wales 3-Los Alamos in Mexico 4- Pine Gap in Australia 5- The Snowy mountains in Australia 5- The Nyala range in Africa 6- West of Kindu in Africa 6- Next to the Libyan border in Egypt 7- Mount Blanc in Switzerland 8- Narvik in Scandinavia 9- Gottland island in Sweden and many other places. These projects are being run by a secret, unelected international governing body connected to the U.N.
There are at least 1400 of these D.U.M.B.S worldwide. 131 in the US. With 2 underground bases being built per year in the US at the moment. The average depth of the bases are four and a quarter miles underground ( some shallower and some deeper ). The bases are on average the size a medium sized city. Each DUMB base costs between 17 and 26 billion dollars to build which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money. Each underground base employs 1,800 to 10,000 workers. A nuclear powered drill it used to dig underground. This drill goes through rock at a tremendous rate and literally melts the rock away to form a smooth glass like surface around the edges of the tunnels.
On May 20 I personally received information from a former member of the NSA (National security agency) through a third party. I wish to protect this man's identity and so I will call him 'G'. This is the first time this information is being made public.
G was subcontracted by the NSA in the late 1980's and worked for the NSA until 1992. He was a senior electrical engineer in the Los Alamos underground base in New Mexico. G also worked at the Alamo Gordo DUMB in New Mexico and an underground base in Hawaii. He said the Los Alamos base goes two miles underground and is the size of a small city.
Whilst there he witnessed rows of caged humans, tall grey aliens and a reptilian alien. G says the NSA was very hard on all subcontractors and people were worked very hard under severe conditions.
According to G the US federal government, the USAF and the DOE (department of energy) run the Hawaii DUMB he worked at. This base goes down two miles and stretches out into the Pacific Ocean.
strange insect on a road
A very strange kind of insect eating something on a road. We found it near the mediterranean border between France and Spain.
Me and a friend stopped our motorbikes to film it. The insect was eating another one like "him". It's horrible.
Spooky photo proves life on Mars?
A new picture beamed back from a rover on Mars causes a frenzy of speculation.