There is a small chapel in Bandera County just outside of San Antonio called Polly’s Chapel. Jose Policarpo Rodriguez built the chapel in 1882 on the banks of Privilege Creek. Rodriguez, who was known as “Polly” was born in Mexico and came to Texas as a child. He went on to become famous as a scout for the U.S. Army, a guide, a hunter and finally a minister which is what led him to build the church. Polly is buried in an old graveyard just a short distance from the chapel.
A couple of members of our team had done a preliminary investigation of Polly’s Chapel upon hearing of some possible paranormal activity. We decided that a full investigation would be worthwhile based on some stories about possible hauntings taking place there.
The investigation at Polly’s Chapel took place on a cold damp night. Eddie, Josh, Cari and Jay along with all of our electronic equipment piled into our 4X4 for a 45 minute drive to Bandera outside San Antonio.
We arrived at the Chapel around 10:45pm, exited the truck and immediately felt the chill of the country air. It was noticeably colder away from the city and the damp cold air, pierced right though our jackets.
Ignoring the cold, the team quickly gathered all their equipment and entered the chapel to set up our investigation.
Our preliminary investigation at Polly’s Chapel revealed a great deal of activity taking place. In fact, the amount of paranormal activity we encountered made it almost impossible to film. We were really hoping that we had the same amount of activity while we had all our equipment with us.
A quick check of the chapel did not reveal anything out of the ordinary. Video cameras and digital recorders were set in place to capture any paranormal activity which may occur while team members worked on EVP sessions.
The lights were then turned off and the IR lights were activated on the video recorders. Josh, who is the ADPR Video Tech, proceeded to film the EVP session which was being held by Cari, Eddie, and Jay.
While filming the EVP session, a strange red glow was seen on the far side of the chapel window. It appeared to be pretty faint and slowly moved across the window, then on to the wall. At first, seeing this made investigators think it was just the IR from the video camera Josh was using, but after seeing it several different times, we noticed that Josh did not have the camera facing the window and the IR was not reflecting from the IR source on the video camera.
Josh was asked to repeat his actions several different times and the team was unable to get any results. Josh even faced the camera towards the window in order to see if the glow was the same. It was obvious at that point that the red glow was not that of the IR light. We were unable to debunk the small red glow, so we continued with the EVP session and did not see the red glow again.
Next, the team packed up the equipment and proceeded to the Cemetery where Polly himself is buried. Being outside really made for a cold investigation. It was pretty quiet, except for some dogs barking in the distance. The area felt really calm and Jay even stated that he was more comfortable in the Cemetery than in the Chapel.
We worked on EVPs at the location and filmed the area with IR Video Cameras. After staying in the cold until we could no longer feel our fingers or hands, we decided to call it a night and head back home.
Over the following week, team members analyzed all the recordings, but did not find anything unusual. Not a single EVP was found. We were all disappointed with the results of the EVPs that were taken. Next we turned to Josh, who had analyzed the video. Nothing…..the video did not reveal anything out of the ordinary. Cari, who was checking her recordings and her photos, also did not come up with anything. It was finally down to Jay. I received an email from him and BINGO….we had something on film.
Jay sent me a photo he took which contained what appears to be a shadowy figure. The photo clearly shows a dark shadow next to the podium that we could not explain. Although we can not say for sure where we were all standing at the time the photo was taken, none of us were in the photo itself and could not have been casting a shadow in that area.
Although we concluded that there was no hard evidence of a haunting occurring here, our first video may still indicate otherwise. Please take a lo0k and let us know what you think.
Is Polly’s Chapel worth another visit?Site: http://www.afterdarkparanormal.com/50/pollys-chapel-paranormal-investigation/
1 comment:
Very well documented. I worked a wedding there once and decorated as well. I spent the better part of 2 days. lets just say that was one of the oddest weddings I have ever assisted at! I as well never really felt at ease in the chapel especially not while decorating the pulpit.
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